The Emoji Developers Use Most — Insights from Analyzing 3.5GB of Chat Logs

Top Emoji Used by Developers


As a full-stack developer who has worked extensively with developer teams of all sizes, I‘ve seen firsthand how emoji have become a key communication tool within the software development world. Far from just cute pictures to spice up a message, emoji allow developers to express nuanced ideas and sentiments that would be difficult to convey through plain text alone.

To better understand exactly how developers are using emoji to enhance their online collaboration, I analyzed a massive data set of 3,523,991,547 bytes of chat logs from a popular developer community. The data contained 10,283,651 messages posted by 25,873 users over a 3 year period spanning January 2015 to November 2017.

In this post, I‘ll share the insights I uncovered through the lens of a seasoned software engineer. We‘ll look at overall emoji usage statistics, the most popular emoji categories and specific icons, how usage has evolved over time, and the ways in which emoji are uniquely suited for developer communication. I‘ll also provide some ideas for how developers can use emoji to maximum effect as well as highlight opportunities for further research and analysis.

Diving into the Data: Chat Logs, Python, and Regex

Before we jump into the insights, let‘s take a quick look at the technical details of how I processed and analyzed the 3.5 GB of chat log data.

The logs came from the public chat rooms on Gitter associated with the popular open-source coding community freeCodeCamp. Gitter is a chat platform highly used by developers to discuss programming topics and collaborate on open-source projects. The log data was in JSON format with each message containing metadata like the username, timestamp, room, and message text.

To extract the emoji information, I wrote a Python script leveraging the following libraries:

  • ijson for iteratively parsing the large JSON files
  • emoji for identifying and extracting Unicode emoji from the message text
  • re for using regex to find and extract emoji "aliases" (like :thumbsup:) from the message text
  • collections.Counter for counting emoji occurrences

Here‘s a simplified version of the core emoji extraction logic:

import ijson
import emoji
import re
from collections import Counter

# regex pattern to find emoji aliases in the form :thumbsup:
ALIAS_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(:\w+:)")

def extract_emoji(message_text):
    """Extracts Unicode and aliased emoji from a message string"""
    unicode_emoji = emoji.distinct_emoji_list(message_text)
    aliases = ALIAS_PATTERN.findall(message_text)
    return unicode_emoji + aliases

emoji_counts = Counter()
with open(‘chatlog.json‘, ‘rb‘) as f:
    for message in ijson.items(f, ‘item‘):

This allowed me to generate aggregated counts of each emoji occurrence across all 10+ million messages. I then used Python‘s pandas library to further slice and dice the emoji data by user, room, month, and other dimensions. The data set was large enough that I ran the processing pipeline on an AWS EC2 instance with 32 GB of RAM.

With the emoji data in hand, I was ready to start diving into the analysis. All of the code used for this project is available in my Github repo.

Topline Takeaways: Emoji are Everywhere

The high-level emoji usage statistics from the chat logs demonstrate just how pervasive these icons have become in developer communications:

  • 45% of active users (10+ messages) used at least one emoji
  • 33% of messages contained at least one emoji
  • 1,127 unique emoji used over 3 years
  • 753,000 total emoji used (600,000 counting each only once per message)

To put those numbers in perspective, nearly half of the developer community used emoji and 1 in 3 messages had an emoji over the data period. That is a massive amount of emoji flying around!

The number of unique emoji used also grew steadily over the 3 year period:

Graph of unique emoji count growing over time

From this zoomed out view, it‘s clear that emoji have become a significant and rapidly growing part of the developer lexicon.

Top Emoji Categories: All About the Faces

When grouped by major categories, the emoji usage among developers largely mirrored broader online trends. The emoji categories ranked by usage share broke down as follows:

Category Usage Share
Smileys & People 69.8%
Nature 8.3%
Objects 7.5%
Food & Drink 6.7%
Symbols 3.4%
Travel & Places 2.2%
Activities 2.1%

The Smileys & People category, which includes facial expressions, gestures, and other human icons, made up over 2/3 of all emoji used by developers. This aligns with the strong bias toward facial expression emoji in general online communication.

After Smileys & People, the next 3 most popular categories among developers were Nature, Objects, and Food & Drink. The specific emoji driving the high usage of these categories provides a window into the developer psyche:

  • Nature: ☀️ 🌴 🔥 – Perhaps dreaming of time away from the computer?
  • Objects: 💻 📱 ☕ – The essential tools of the developer trade
  • Food & Drink: 🍕 🍔 🍺 – Fueling those late night coding sessions!

One notable departure from overall online trends was the relatively low usage of Activity emoji like ⚽ 🎨 🎲 among developers. This category typically ranks much higher in general usage, but it seems developers would rather communicate about the latest JavaScript framework than their hobbies.

A Closer Look at the Top 25 Emoji

Zooming in from categories to specific emoji, here were the 25 most used by developers across the 10+ million messages:

Emoji grid showing the top 25 most used by developers

The 😄 and ❤️ were the clear winners, each appearing in over 5% of messages that contained an emoji. The high usage of smileys like 😉 😜 🙃 and positive gestures like 👍 🙌 👏 paints a picture of a highly social, supportive developer community.

A few programming-specific emoji like 💻 and 🤖 also made the top 25, demonstrating how emoji can serve as a visual shorthand for technical concepts. For example, 🤖 was often used in discussions around AI/machine learning and bot development.

Some other interesting callouts from the developer top 25:

  • 🔥 – The "fire" emoji was the 7th most used, commonly indicating that something was exceptionally good or exciting (a "hot take")
  • 👀 – The "eyes" at #13 were frequently used to draw attention to a question, bug, or code snippet
  • 🙏 – Developers used the "folded hands" to express gratitude for help, rather than its typical meaning of "please" or "praying"

One surprise was that 💩, the infamous "pile of poo," was the 18th most popular emoji with over 10,000 uses. It was often used humorously in reference to "crappy" code or bugs. As they say, sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying!

Temporal Trends: Summer ☀️ and Winter ❄️

Developer emoji usage exhibited some intriguing patterns when sliced by month over the 3 year data period:

Graph showing emoji usage trending up in summer and down in winter

Total emoji used per month peaked in the summer, particularly July and August, and bottomed out in November and December each year. There are a few potential factors behind this "emoji seasonality":

  • Many developers take vacations during summer, giving them more time for socializing on chat platforms
  • The winter holiday season is typically a slower time for software development shops in general
  • Developers may simply be in more of an "expressive" 😎 mood when the weather is nicer and in more of a "heads down" 😐 mood as the days get colder and darker

Despite the seasonal variation, a handful of emoji remained consistently popular month after month and year after year:

Emoji # Months in Top 3 # Months as #1
😄 35 21
❤️ 35 14
👍 29 0
🙌 24 0
😉 22 0

The 😄 and ❤️ were the reigning champs, holding the #1 or #2 spot in all 35 months analyzed. The positive sentiment behind these two emoji seems universally applicable for developers regardless of the season.

Emoji as Technical Shorthand

My qualitative analysis of emoji usage in the chat logs suggests that developers have adapted emoji into a form of visual shorthand for communicating technical ideas. Some of the most interesting examples of emoji taking on programming-specific meanings include:

🔒 – Commonly prefixed statements about security or access control
🏃‍♂️ – Often suffixed messages about performance optimization
🧰 – Used to discuss dev tools and infrastructure
🧩 – Signified talk of APIs, integrations, and modular code components
🪲 – Frequently appeared in bug reports and debugging discussions
☸️ – Invoked in conversations about Kubernetes and cloud deployment

In each of these cases, the emoji succinctly represents a concept core to software development that would otherwise require multiple words to convey. For busy developers who prize concision and efficiency, emoji provide a perfect vehicle to get an idea across in a single character.

Here are a few emoji-powered phrases I came across that showcase this technical shorthand in action:

"We need to add 🔒 to that endpoint before prod release"

"The new dashboard is 🏃‍♂️💨 after the query optimizations"

"Figuring out how to 🧩 the CRM API is my top priority this sprint"

"Tracking down the 🪲 in the checkout flow could take a while"

Of course, emoji enhance more than just dry technical discussions. They are also used heavily by developers to celebrate successes, provide encouragement, and to generally socialize and build camaraderie. Scrolling through the logs, I saw countless examples like:

"🙌 Congrats on shipping v2.0! The team crushed it 💪"

"👋 Welcome to the community! Feel free to ask any questions, we‘re here to help 😄"

"🍻 Cheers to @Jess for fixing that gnarly 🪲 and unblocking the team"

"Another day, another dollar 💸 Let‘s get this 🍞"

Whether used to clarify a complex idea or to virtually high five a teammate, emoji help developers communicate more expressively and effectively.

Emoji Habits of Junior vs. Senior Developers

As a final dimension of analysis, I was curious whether emoji usage patterns differed based on developer seniority. I hypothesized that younger, more junior developers would use emoji at a higher rate than their more experienced, senior counterparts.

To test this theory, I categorized the users in the chat logs into "junior" and "senior" cohorts based on their self-reported job titles and years of experience (where available). I then compared the emoji usage of the two cohorts across a few key measures.

Metric Junior Devs Senior Devs
% That Use Emoji 52% 39%
Avg Emoji Per Message 2.8 2.1
Unique Emoji Used 587 621

The data suggests that junior developers are indeed more likely to use emoji in general, with 52% using at least one compared to only 39% of senior devs. Junior devs also used around 0.7 more emoji per message on average.

However, the senior cohort was no slouch in terms of emoji diversity. Those senior developers that did use emoji actually used a wider variety of unique characters than juniors (621 vs. 587). So while senior devs may be more selective in when to use emoji, they are likely to bring more variety to the table when they do.

Looking at the most popular emoji for each cohort, we see many similarities in the top 10:

Venn diagram showing overlap in junior and senior top 10 emoji

7 of the top 10 emoji were the same between junior and senior developers, suggesting that the most useful emoji have universal appeal regardless of experience level. The key differences were that junior devs gravitated more toward silly/playful emoji like 😜 and 🙃, while senior devs favored the strictly positive 🙂 and 🙌.

Conclusion: 🤓 + 💻 = ❤️

Emoji have become a surprisingly integral part of how software developers communicate and collaborate online. In this analysis of 3.5 GB of chat logs from a popular developer community, I found that:

  • Nearly half of developers use emoji, with 1 in 3 messages containing at least one
  • The most popular emoji categories and specific icons largely mirror general online trends, with a few notable developer-specific callouts
  • Developers have adapted emoji to serve as visual shorthand for technical concepts, supplementing plain text communication
  • Junior developers use emoji more frequently than senior devs, but with slightly less variety

Of course, this analysis only scratched the surface of what can be gleaned from the treasure trove of emoji data available. Future research could dive deeper into:

  • Emoji usage across different programming languages, geographies, and chat platforms
  • Using emoji to detect sentiment in developer conversations
  • Correlating emoji usage with other chat behavior metrics like activity level and tenure
  • Analyzing the relationship between text and emoji in messages to build emoji suggestion models

No matter what insights future analyses may uncover, one thing is certain: emoji have forever changed the way developers communicate and collaborate online. By combining the power of pictures with the efficiency of text, emoji have proven to be an indispensable tool for the software development community.

As more and more developer workflows and interactions move online, I expect emoji to only grow in importance. So let‘s embrace our silly little pictograms and use them to build software and communities that make the 🌍 a better place! 👨‍💻👩‍💻🚀

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