The most important lessons I‘ve learned after a year of working with React

It‘s been a little over a year since I started my journey with React, and oh what a journey it has been! From initially struggling to understand the difference between props and state, to now being able to architect complex applications using advanced patterns, I‘ve learned so much along the way.

In this post, I want to share some of the most valuable insights I‘ve gained that helped me grow from a React novice to a confident and effective React developer. Whether you‘re just starting out with React or looking to take your skills to the next level, I hope you find these lessons insightful.

Stay up-to-date with React‘s evolution

One of the first things I quickly realized is that React is a fast-moving library that is constantly evolving. New features, optimizations, and best practices are being introduced all the time. Just in the past year, we‘ve seen the release of hooks, concurrent mode, and the new context API, to name a few.

As a React developer, it‘s crucial to stay on top of these updates. Not only do they often introduce better ways of solving common problems, but they also heavily influence the direction of the React ecosystem. By staying up-to-date, you‘ll be able to leverage the latest and greatest that React has to offer.

Some ways I‘ve found effective to stay informed include:

  • Reading the official React blog and release notes
  • Following the React core team and community leaders on Twitter
  • Subscribing to React newsletters and podcasts
  • Attending React conferences and meetups (or watching the recorded talks)

Embrace the component-based architecture

At the heart of React is the idea of building user interfaces using reusable components. When I first started with React, I tended to build large, monolithic components that tried to do too much. As my apps grew in complexity, this quickly became unwieldy and difficult to maintain.

Over time, I learned to fully embrace React‘s component-based architecture by splitting my UI into small, focused components. I found that this not only made my code more organized and reusable, but it also made it easier to reason about and test.

Some tips for effective component composition:

  • Use the Single Responsibility Principle – each component should do one thing and do it well
  • Keep components small and focused – if a component is growing too large, consider breaking it down further
  • Use functional components for stateless UI and class components for stateful logic
  • Compose components together to build more complex UIs

Here‘s a simple example of breaking down a user profile component:

// Instead of a large, monolithic component...
const UserProfile = ({ user }) => (
    <img src={user.avatarUrl} alt={} />
      { => (
        <li key={}>{post.title}</li>  

// ...split it into smaller, reusable components
const Avatar = ({ user }) => (
  <img src={user.avatarUrl} alt={} /> 

const Name = ({ user }) => (  

const Bio = ({ user }) => (

const Posts = ({ posts }) => (
    { => (
      <li key={}>{post.title}</li>

const UserProfile = ({ user }) => (
    <Avatar user={user} />  
    <Name user={user} />
    <Bio user={user} />
    <Posts posts={user.posts} />

Learn advanced React patterns

While React‘s core API is fairly simple and easy to learn, there‘s a whole world of advanced patterns and techniques that can take your React skills to the next level. Some of the most useful patterns I‘ve learned include:

  • Higher-Order Components (HOCs) – functions that take a component and return a new component with some additional props or behavior
  • Render Props – a technique for sharing code between components using a prop whose value is a function
  • Compound Components – a pattern for creating components that work together to provide a complete UI feature
  • State Reducers – a pattern for managing complex state updates in a more predictable way

Learning these patterns has allowed me to solve complex problems in a more elegant and reusable way. They‘ve also helped me better understand some of the design decisions behind popular libraries like React Router and Redux.

Here‘s an example of using the render prop pattern to create a reusable mouse position component:

class MousePosition extends React.Component {
  state = { x: 0, y: 0 };

  handleMouseMove = (event) => {
      x: event.clientX,
      y: event.clientY

  render() {
    return (
      <div onMouseMove={this.handleMouseMove}>        

// Usage
  {({ x, y }) => (    
      The mouse position is ({x}, {y})    

Don‘t over-complicate things

While it‘s important to learn and utilize advanced patterns, it‘s equally important not to over-complicate your code. It‘s easy to get carried away with trying to make everything generic and reusable, but this can often lead to unnecessary abstraction and complexity.

I‘ve learned that the best React code is often the simplest. If a component can be written as a simple function, then there‘s no need to make it a class. If a piece of state can be managed internally by a component, then there‘s no need to lift it up to a parent.

Here are some rules of thumb I follow:

  • Use the simplest solution that solves the problem
  • Don‘t add complexity until it‘s necessary
  • Refactor only when you start to feel pain
  • Keep your components small and focused

Continuously refactor

On a related note, I‘ve found that continuous refactoring is a natural part of the React development process. As your application grows and requirements change, you‘ll often find better ways to structure your components and manage your state.

Some signs that it might be time to refactor include:

  • Components that have grown too large and complex
  • Duplicated logic across multiple components
  • Complex prop-drilling through multiple levels of the component tree
  • Performance bottlenecks or unnecessary re-renders

Don‘t be afraid to refactor your code as needed. Just be sure to have a good test coverage in place so you can refactor with confidence.

Testing is your friend

Speaking of testing, this is another area where I‘ve seen tremendous value as my React projects have grown in size and complexity. Unit testing your components helps catch bugs early, provides documentation for how your components should behave, and allows you to refactor with greater confidence.

I typically aim for a mix of unit tests (using tools like Jest and Enzyme) for my individual components and integration tests for testing complete user flows and interactions.

Some general guidelines I follow:

  • Test the public API of your components (i.e., the props)
  • Shallow render components to test them in isolation
  • Test conditional rendering based on props
  • Simulate user events and test the expected outcome
  • Keep tests simple and focused – each test should only test one thing

Here‘s a simple example of testing a Counter component:

import React from ‘react‘;
import { shallow } from ‘enzyme‘;
import Counter from ‘./Counter‘;

describe(‘Counter‘, () => {
  it(‘should render the current count‘, () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Counter />);

  it(‘should increment the count when the button is clicked‘, () => {
    const wrapper = shallow(<Counter />);

Let your passion drive your learning

Finally, perhaps the most important lesson I‘ve learned is to let my passion for React drive my learning. When you genuinely enjoy what you‘re doing, learning becomes a joy rather than a chore.

Over the past year, I‘ve spent countless hours tinkering with React, building small projects, reading articles and source code, and watching conference talks. Not because I felt like I had to, but because I was genuinely excited to learn and grow as a React developer.

So my advice is this: Find what excites you about React and let that guide your learning journey. Build projects that interest you, explore libraries and tools that pique your curiosity, and don‘t be afraid to dive deep into the React ecosystem. The more you learn, the more you‘ll realize just how much there is to learn – and that‘s a wonderful thing.


React is a powerful and exciting library that can help you build incredible user interfaces. But as with any tool, mastering React takes time, practice, and continuous learning.

I hope the lessons I‘ve shared from my own journey can help guide you on your path to becoming a more effective React developer. Remember to stay curious, stay passionate, and most importantly, have fun! Happy coding!

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