These are the top testing tools, libraries and frameworks for Java developers

Testing is an essential part of the software development lifecycle and a critical skill for any Java developer to master. Proper testing helps ensure code quality, catch bugs early, and facilitate safe refactoring. In fact, according to a recent survey, 92% of Java developers say they unit test their code. As a full-stack Java developer…

Testing Client Apps: A Comprehensive Guide

Real-time functionality has become a crucial aspect of modern web applications. Users expect features like live updates, instant messaging, and collaborative editing. Frameworks like have made it easier than ever to add real-time capabilities to our apps. However, while developers are quick to adopt, testing the client-side integration is often neglected. Many testing…

The Full-Stack Developer‘s Ultimate Guide to Smoke Testing

As a seasoned full-stack developer, I‘ve seen firsthand the critical role smoke testing plays in the software development lifecycle. Far from just a buzzword, implementing a robust smoke testing strategy can be the difference between a successful product launch and a customer service nightmare. In this ultimate guide, we‘ll dive deep into everything you need…

Intro to Property-Based Testing in Python with Hypothesis

As software developers, we know the importance of testing our code. Automated tests give us confidence that our programs are correct, and help prevent bugs from creeping in as the codebase evolves. The most common approach to automated testing is example-based tests like unit tests. We write a suite of tests, each of which sets…

Django Test Suite Introduction – How to Increase Your Confidence as a Python Developer

As a full-stack developer with years of experience, I‘ve worked on countless web applications using a variety of technologies. One constant I‘ve found across all successful projects is a strong emphasis on testing. This is especially true for Python developers working with the Django framework. In this in-depth guide, I‘ll share my professional perspective on…

How to Improve Your Workflow Using Model-Based Testing

As a seasoned software architect and hands-on developer, I‘ve seen first-hand how the growing complexity of modern software systems is pushing traditional testing methods to their breaking point. With microservices, cloud-native architectures and ever-accelerating delivery cycles, ensuring adequate testing coverage with mostly manual, hand-crafted test cases is becoming increasingly unrealistic. This is where model-based testing…

How to Thoroughly Test Your Express.js and Mongoose Apps with Jest and SuperTest

Testing is an integral part of the software development process that helps ensure the quality, reliability and maintainability of your application. The earlier you incorporate testing into your workflow, the more confident you can be that your app will function as intended. This is especially crucial for backend APIs powering modern web and mobile apps….

How to Run Visual Regression Testing on a Next.js App with Cypress and Applitools

Visual bugs are a silent killer of user experience and conversion rates. According to a study by TopTal, 94% of users‘ first impressions of a website are design-related, and 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. Yet with the increasing complexity of modern web apps, manually…

How to Automate REST API End-to-End Tests in a CI Environment with Postman and Newman

REST APIs power the modern web. As a developer, you will likely spend a lot of time integrating with upstream APIs or providing your own APIs for web, mobile, and third-party clients to consume. An API is a contract – you expect certain request parameters and headers, and in return, promise specific response schemas and…

How to Add Screenshot Testing with Cypress to Your Project

As front-end codebases grow in size and complexity, it becomes increasingly difficult to catch visual bugs and unintended changes. Even with a robust suite of functional tests, visual issues can easily slip through the cracks. This is where visual regression testing comes in. By capturing screenshots of your application and comparing them against a baseline,…