The New Security Features in Android Pie and Why I‘m Excited About Them

As a full-stack developer who has worked extensively with Android since the early days, I‘ve seen the platform evolve in countless ways. With each major release, Android introduces interface changes, performance improvements, and new features aimed at enhancing the user experience. But some of the most crucial changes are the ones happening behind the scenes,…

The Mobile App Launch Checklist — How to Ship Apps Like a Boss

Launching a successful mobile app takes a lot more than just coding a minimum viable product and submitting it to the App Store or Play Store. To launch an app that stands out, drives downloads, and keeps users engaged, you need to invest significant time and effort into planning, testing, optimizing, and marketing. Consider these…

Still Using Java for Android Development? It‘s Time to Switch to Kotlin

As an Android developer, you may have heard the growing buzz around Kotlin over the past few years. Google officially announced support for Kotlin on Android in 2017, and since then, Kotlin adoption has skyrocketed. According to AppBrain, as of February 2020, over 60% of the top 1000 Android apps on the Play Store now…

Simplifying RecyclerView Adapters with RxJava & Data Binding

If you‘ve done Android development, you‘ve likely worked with RecyclerViews to display scrollable lists of data. RecyclerView is a powerful and flexible view for showing large data sets in a memory-efficient manner, since it only creates enough views to fill the visible area of the screen and recycles them as the user scrolls. However, implementing…

Share Screen on Android – How to Cast my Screen with a Windows 10 PC

As an Android developer and avid user, I‘ve found the ability to mirror my phone or tablet‘s screen to a larger Windows 10 PC invaluable. Whether I‘m demoing an app to a client, presenting at a conference, or simply want to enjoy my mobile content on a bigger display, screen casting has become an essential…

RxAndroid and Kotlin (Part 1)

Reactive programming has become increasingly popular in recent years as a paradigm that allows developers to create asynchronous and event-based programs by using observable sequences. This is particularly relevant in Android development, where most operations happen to be asynchronous – network requests, database queries, UI events, sensor data, location updates, just to name a few….

How to Run Android Games on Linux with Android-x86

As a full-stack developer, I‘m always looking for ways to expand my software horizons and make the most of my Linux machine. Recently, I‘ve been exploring the world of Android gaming on PC through the excellent Android-x86 project. Android-x86 is an open-source initiative that ports Android to the x86 platform, allowing it to run natively…

Mastering Android Context: A Comprehensive Guide for Full-Stack Developers

As a full-stack Android developer, understanding and effectively utilizing Context is crucial for building high-performance, memory-efficient, and maintainable apps. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll dive deep into the world of Android Context, exploring its types, lifecycle, use cases, best practices, and advanced techniques. We‘ll also discuss common pitfalls, performance optimization, and the future of Context…

Learn How to Build and Publish an Android App From a Facebook Engineer

Are you interested in tapping into the massive potential of the Android app market? With over 2.5 billion active Android devices worldwide and users downloading billions of apps each year, there‘s never been a better time to learn Android app development. In this comprehensive course taught by Rahul Pandey, an engineer at Facebook and lecturer…

How to Handle RESTful Web Services Like a Pro with Retrofit, OkHttp, Gson, Glide and Coroutines

If you‘re an Android developer, chances are you‘ve had to integrate your app with a backend API at some point. RESTful web services have become the de facto standard for client-server communication in modern applications. They provide a set of conventions and principles for designing networked applications, using HTTP as the underlying protocol. Implementing REST…