Embrace Cleaner Code in Java 10 with Local Variable Type Inference

Java‘s march towards more expressive, concise code took a significant step forward with the release of Java 10 and the introduction of the var keyword for local variable type inference. This addition, which allows developers to declare local variables without explicitly specifying the type, has been a resounding success, with widespread adoption and praise from…

I‘m learning to code at 56. Here‘s an epic beat-down of my critical inner self.

I‘ve always considered myself a lifelong learner, but even I didn‘t imagine I‘d be diving into computer programming at 56 years old. You‘re never too old to learn new tricks, as the saying goes, but try telling that to my critical inner self, who seems to think I‘m crazy for attempting this. I‘ve affectionately named…

Yes, I Coded a Semaphore and No, I Am Not an OS Developer

As a full-stack developer, you may think of semaphores as a low-level synchronization primitive used only by operating system developers. After all, modern high-level languages like Python already come with thread-safe data structures and easy-to-use locking mechanisms. Why would an application developer ever need to worry about something as esoteric as a semaphore? It turns…

Why You Are Never Too Old to Learn Java (or Any Programming Language)

When Wendy McKenzie retired from her nursing career at age 58, she could have spent her days golfing, gardening, or perfecting her famous snickerdoodle recipe. Instead, the plucky Arizona resident decided to learn to code. Though she initially doubted whether her graying hair would fit in among the young hacker crowd, Wendy took the plunge…

Why We Will Always Need New Programming Languages

In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, one constant remains: the need for new programming languages. As a full-stack developer with over a decade of experience, I‘ve seen firsthand how the languages we use to build software are in a state of constant flux, with new ones emerging to address the limitations of existing languages…

Why So Many Developers Quit Before Ever Getting a Job (And Why You Shouldn‘t)

Learning to code is hard. Really hard. It‘s not unusual to spend hours debugging an issue only to discover you missed a semicolon, or days implementing a feature only to realize there‘s a better approach and starting over from scratch. According to recent studies, nearly a third of computer science graduates don‘t end up working…

Why Relying on Your Users to Report Errors Is the Dumbest Thing You‘ll Ever Do

As a full-stack developer, I dream of building software that is flawlessly architected, elegantly coded and blissfully free of pesky bugs. But then I wake up to reality. The cold hard truth is, no matter how skilled or rigorous you are, errors are inevitable. Especially once your application reaches any level of sophistication and scale….