Use React and APIs to Build a Weather App

Building a weather app is a rite of passage for beginner developers. It‘s a great project to practice working with APIs, handling user input, and dynamically updating the UI. While you can create a basic weather app with plain JavaScript and HTML, using a library like React can help make your app more robust and maintainable.

In this article, we‘ll walk through how to build a feature-rich weather application in React that incorporates multiple APIs for additional capabilities. By the end, you‘ll have a solid foundation in React development and a deeper understanding of working with APIs.

Why Build a Weather App?

Weather apps are popular beginner projects for a few reasons:

  1. Most people are familiar with weather apps, so it‘s easy to understand the basic functionality
  2. There are free weather APIs available, so you can fetch real data
  3. You get practice with core web dev skills – making HTTP requests, working with JSON data, dynamically updating the UI, etc.

Building a basic weather app will teach you these fundamentals, but you can also take it to the next level by adding more advanced features. Some ideas:

  • Autocomplete to help users search for cities
  • Showing more detailed info like hourly forecasts, precipitation chance, etc.
  • Allowing users to toggle between celsius and fahrenheit
  • Incorporating graphs and data visualizations
  • Adding push notifications for weather alerts

The great thing about web development is that you can continuously iterate and improve your projects as your skills progress. Starting with a simple weather app, you can gradually layer on complexity and end up with an impressive application.

Course Overview

If you want to fast-track your weather app development, freeCodeCamp recently published a comprehensive YouTube course on the subject. In this 2-hour video, senior frontend developer Slobodan Gajic walks you through building a complete weather app with city autocomplete using React and multiple APIs.

Here‘s a quick overview of what the course covers:

  • Getting API keys from GeoDB for city autocomplete and OpenWeatherMap for weather data
  • Generating a new React project and installing necessary packages
  • Building a search component with autocomplete using the GeoDB API
  • Constructing a component to display current weather conditions
  • Fetching weather data from OpenWeatherMap and displaying it in the app
  • Adding a forecast component to show upcoming weather
  • Handling multiple API calls concurrently with Promise.all and async/await
  • Styling the app and deploying it

The course assumes you have some familiarity with Javascript fundamentals, but even a beginner can follow along and pick up the concepts. It‘s a great way to boost your React skills while building a practical, useful application.

Working with APIs in React

Before we jump into the code, let‘s take a step back and clarify what an API is and how it works with React. API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a fancy way of saying it allows two applications to communicate with each other.

An API defines a set of rules and mechanisms for how this communication should happen. It will specify the types of requests and responses that are allowed, the format of the data exchanged, and any authentication requirements.

There are many publicly available APIs that you can use to incorporate data and functionality into your own applications. For our weather app, we‘ll be working with two:

  1. GeoDB Cities API – Provides a database of worldwide city information that we can use to implement autocomplete for city searches

  2. OpenWeatherMap API – Offers access to current weather data and forecasts that we‘ll display in our app

To use these APIs, the first step is signing up for API keys. Most public APIs require you to register and get a unique key which you‘ll include in the requests you make to the API. This allows the API provider to track and control usage.

Once you have your keys, you can start making requests to the APIs from your React application. We‘ll use the axios library to send these requests and handle the responses, but you could also use the built-in Fetch API.

Here‘s a simplified example of what an API call might look like in a React component:

import React, { useState, useEffect } from ‘react‘;
import axios from ‘axios‘;

const WeatherApp = () => {
  const [weatherData, setWeatherData] = useState(null);

  useEffect(() => {
    const apiKey = ‘your_api_key‘;
    const city = ‘London‘;
    const apiUrl = `${city}&appid=${apiKey}`;

      .then(response => setWeatherData(
      .catch(error => console.error(error));
  }, []);

  return (
      {weatherData ? (

          <p>Temperature: {weatherData.main.temp}</p>
          <p>Weather: {[0].main}</p>
      ) : (
        <p>Loading weather data...</p>  

export default WeatherApp;

In this example, we‘re using the useEffect hook to make an API call to OpenWeatherMap when the component mounts. We provide our API key and specify the city we want weather for in the API URL.

Axios sends a GET request to that URL, and the API sends back a response containing the weather data in JSON format. We use the setWeatherData function to save that response data in component state.

Finally, we conditionally render different views based on the weatherData state. While the API request is pending, we display a loading message. Once the weatherData is populated, we display the city name, temperature, and weather conditions.

This is a simplified example, but it demonstrates the core pattern of working with APIs in a React application. We‘ll build on this foundation to construct a more complex, full-featured weather app.

Breaking Down the Components

Let‘s take a closer look at each piece of our weather application and how they fit together. We‘ll be building three main components:

  1. Search – Allows the user to search for a city and provides autocomplete suggestions using the GeoDB Cities API

  2. CurrentWeather – Displays the current weather conditions for the selected location using data from the OpenWeatherMap API

  3. Forecast – Shows a multi-day forecast for the selected location, also using data from OpenWeatherMap

We‘ll start by setting up a new React project and installing the necessary dependencies, including axios for making API requests and any UI libraries we want to use for styling.

The Search component will contain an input where the user can type a city name. As they type, we‘ll send requests to the GeoDB API to get autocomplete suggestions and display them in a dropdown list. We can update the value of the input when the user selects a suggestion.

When the form is submitted, we‘ll pass the selected city up to the parent component, which will then fetch the weather data for that location.

In the CurrentWeather component, we‘ll display data points like:

  • City name
  • Current temperature
  • Weather description and icon
  • High/low temperatures
  • Humidity
  • Wind speed

We‘ll fetch this data from the OpenWeatherMap API when the component mounts and anytime the city prop changes. We can use conditional rendering to display a loading state while we‘re waiting on the API response.

The Forecast component will work similarly, but we‘ll fetch a multi-day forecast instead of the current weather. We can display each day‘s forecast in a card that shows the day of the week, weather icon, and high/low temperatures.

One thing to consider is how to handle multiple API calls. We need data from both the GeoDB API for city autocomplete and the OpenWeatherMap API for weather data. We can use Promise.all to send multiple requests concurrently and only update state once they‘ve all resolved.

Here‘s a rough idea of what the component hierarchy will look like:

|-- Search
|-- CurrentWeather  
|-- Forecast

The App component will maintain state for the selected city, current weather, and forecast. It will pass the necessary data and callback functions down to the child components.

As we‘re building out each component, we‘ll also want to think about:

  • Handling errors from API requests
  • Adding loading states and spinners
  • Making the app responsive for mobile screens
  • Thorough testing, especially around edge cases

Styling and Deployment

Once we have the core functionality down, we can turn our attention to the design and user experience of our weather app. This is a chance to experiment with CSS, apply accessibility best practices, and make the app feel like a polished product.

Some styling ideas:

  • Use a visually-appealing, cohesive color scheme
  • Incorporate weather-related illustrations or animations
  • Ensure sufficient color contrast for text
  • Use an intuitive, easy-to-navigate layout
  • Provide visual feedback on hover/focus states

We can use CSS modules or a library like styled-components to keep our styles well-organized and scoped to individual components.

Finally, we‘ll want to deploy our finished weather app so anyone can access it. There are many great options for deploying React apps, including:

  • Netlify
  • Vercel
  • Heroku
  • AWS Amplify
  • GitHub Pages

The deployment process will vary depending on the platform, but generally involves connecting your GitHub repository and specifying a build command. Many platforms will automatically deploy changes when you push to your main branch.

Next Steps

Congratulations, you now have a fully-functional, professional-grade weather app built with React! This project incorporates many core web development skills, including:

  • Working with APIs and handling asynchronous requests
  • Managing state and data flow in a React application
  • Creating reusable components and architecting a component hierarchy
  • Integrating third-party libraries for additional functionality
  • Styling a responsive, accessible user interface
  • Deploying a web application for public access

If you want to take your weather app even further, consider adding some of these features:

  • Allow users to save multiple locations and toggle between them
  • Implement geolocation to automatically display weather for the user‘s current location
  • Add more data points like air quality, sunrise/sunset times, precipitation chance, etc.
  • Visualize weather data with graphs and charts using a library like Chart.js or Victory
  • Incorporate animations and transitions to create a more engaging experience

You can also use this project as a stepping stone to learn even more web development concepts. Some ideas to research and implement:

  • Serverless functions for hiding API keys and rate limiting
  • Continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines
  • Integration tests using React Testing Library
  • Performance optimizations like lazy loading and memoization
  • Progressive web app (PWA) features for offline access and push notifications

Learning web development is an ongoing journey, and building projects is one of the best ways to apply your skills and solidify your understanding. A weather app is a great place to start, but the possibilities are endless. Keep building, keep learning, and most importantly, have fun!

Additional Resources

If you want to dive deeper into the topics covered in this article, check out these additional resources:

You can also find the complete code for the weather app covered in this article in this GitHub repository.

Happy coding!

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