How to Use Currying and Composition in JavaScript: An Expert Guide

Currying and function composition are two powerful techniques at the heart of functional programming in JavaScript. As a full-stack developer who has worked with JavaScript for over a decade, I‘ve seen firsthand how mastering these concepts can level up your code. In this in-depth guide, we‘ll explore the theory and practice of currying and composition, look at real-world examples and use cases, and discuss best practices and gotchas to watch out for.

The Theory: Origins and Underpinnings

The concepts of currying and composition originate in lambda calculus, a formal system of computation developed by Alonzo Church in the 1930s. In lambda calculus, all functions take exactly one argument and return one result. Currying is the process of translating a multi-argument function into a sequence of single-argument functions, while composition is the chaining together of functions where the output of each becomes the input of the next.

These ideas were later applied to functional programming languages like Haskell and ML. In his influential paper "Why Functional Programming Matters", John Hughes argues that higher-order functions like curried and composed functions are key to achieving modularity and reusability in software design.

In JavaScript, currying and composition gained prominence with the rise of libraries like Underscore and Lodash, and the increasing adoption of functional programming principles in frontend frameworks like React and Angular. Today, these techniques are an essential part of the toolkit for full-stack JavaScript developers.

Currying in Practice

Let‘s dive into some practical examples of currying in JavaScript. Recall that a curried function is one that when called with a subset of its arguments, returns a new function that accepts the remaining arguments. Here‘s a simple example:

function multiply(x) {
  return function(y) {
    return x * y;

const double = multiply(2);
double(5); // 10
double(10); // 20

Here, multiply is a curried function that takes one argument x and returns another function that takes the second argument y. We can partially apply multiply by calling it with just one argument, resulting in a specialized function like double.

Currying is especially useful for creating reusable function templates. For example, Lodash‘s curry function can transform any multi-argument function into a curried one:

const { curry } = require(‘lodash‘);

const greet = (greeting, name) => `${greeting}, ${name}!`;
const curried = curry(greet);

const hello = curried(‘Hello‘);
const goodbye = curried(‘Goodbye‘);

hello(‘Alice‘); // "Hello, Alice!"
goodbye(‘Bob‘); // "Goodbye, Bob!"

By currying the greet function, we can create specialized versions like hello and goodbye that have the first argument preset.

Currying is a foundational technique in many functional JavaScript libraries. For example, in Ramda, every function is curried by default. This allows for powerful function composition and partial application patterns.

Composition in Practice

Function composition is the process of combining multiple functions into a single function, where the output of each becomes the input of the next. In JavaScript, we can compose functions using the chaining syntax enabled by currying. Here‘s an example:

const compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduceRight((y, f) => f(y), x);

const toUpper = str => str.toUpperCase();
const exclaim = str => `${str}!`;
const embolden = str => `<b>${str}</b>`;

const yell = compose(embolden, exclaim, toUpper);

yell(‘hello world‘); // "<b>HELLO WORLD!</b>"

In this example, we define a compose function that takes any number of functions as arguments and returns a new function that applies those functions from right-to-left. We then define three simple string transformation functions (toUpper, exclaim, and embolden) and compose them together into a new yell function.

Composition is a powerful way to create complex behaviors by combining simple pieces. It allows us to write small, focused functions and then mix and match them as needed. This leads to more modular, reusable code.

Composition is a key pattern in many functional JavaScript libraries and frameworks. For example, in Redux, reducer functions are composed together to manage complex application state. In React, higher-order components are used to compose behavior into reusable component enhancers.

Real-World Use Cases

Let‘s look at some more advanced real-world examples of currying and composition in action.

Partial Application for API Requests

Currying is often used to specialize general-purpose functions with partial application. For example, let‘s say we have an API client library with a generic request function:

function request(method, url, body) {
  // make HTTP request and return promise

We can curry this function and create specialized versions for common HTTP methods:

const get = request(‘GET‘);
const post = request(‘POST‘);
const put = request(‘PUT‘);

get(‘/api/users‘).then(/* handle response */);
post(‘/api/users‘, { name: ‘Alice‘ }).then(/* handle response */);

By partially applying the request function, we can create more semantic, reusable functions like get and post that are specialized for particular HTTP methods.

Composing Middleware Functions

Composition is a common pattern for creating middleware pipelines in server-side frameworks like Express. Each middleware function takes a request object, response object, and next function, and can either modify the request/response or pass control to the next middleware.

const compose = (...fns) => x => fns.reduceRight((y, f) => f(y), x);

function logger(req, res, next) {
  console.log(`${req.method} ${req.url}`);

function authorize(req, res, next) {
  if (!req.user) {
  } else {

function handleRequest(req, res) {
  res.send(‘Hello World!‘);

const app = compose(logger, authorize, handleRequest);

In this example, we compose three middleware functions (logger, authorize, and handleRequest) into a single request handler function. The logger middleware logs the request method and URL, the authorize middleware checks for authentication, and the handleRequest middleware sends the final response.

By composing middleware functions, we can create modular, reusable pieces that can be mixed and matched for different routes and use cases. This is a powerful pattern for creating flexible and maintainable server-side code.

Benefits and Best Practices

Currying and composition offer several benefits for writing clean, modular JavaScript code:

  1. Reusability: Curried functions can be partially applied to create specialized versions that can be reused in different contexts. Composed functions can be mixed and matched to create new behavior without duplicating code.

  2. Modularity: By breaking down complex logic into small, single-purpose functions, currying and composition promote a more modular architecture. This makes code easier to understand, test, and maintain.

  3. Readability: Well-named curried and composed functions can express complex behavior in a more readable and declarative way. The code becomes more self-documenting and expressive.

  4. Testability: Small, pure functions are easier to test in isolation than larger, monolithic functions with many responsibilities. Currying and composition encourage a more functional, pure programming style that is more amenable to unit testing.

To get the most benefit from currying and composition, it‘s important to follow some best practices:

  • Keep functions small and focused: Each function should have a single, clear responsibility. Avoid side effects and keep functions pure whenever possible.

  • Use meaningful names: Choose clear, descriptive names for your functions that express their intent. Avoid abbreviations or non-standard conventions.

  • Be consistent with argument order: Decide on a consistent convention for the order of arguments in curried functions (e.g. data first, callback last) and stick to it.

  • Handle errors gracefully: Make sure to handle errors and edge cases properly in your curried and composed functions. Use techniques like Maybe monads or railway-oriented programming to handle errors in a composable way.

  • Don‘t overdo it: While currying and composition are powerful tools, they can also lead to over-abstraction and hard-to-read code if used excessively. Use them judiciously and in moderation.

Drawbacks and Limitations

While currying and composition have many benefits, they also come with some tradeoffs and limitations to be aware of:

  • Performance overhead: Each curried function and composition adds a small amount of overhead due to the extra function calls involved. In most cases this is negligible, but it can add up for very large numbers of compositions. Be mindful of performance when composing many functions together.

  • Debugging and stack traces: Heavily curried and composed code can be harder to debug and reason about, since the flow of data is less explicit. Stack traces may also be harder to follow due to the extra function calls. Using a functional debugging tool like the Redux DevTools can help.

  • Learning curve: Functional programming concepts like currying and composition can have a steeper learning curve for developers coming from an imperative or object-oriented background. It requires a shift in thinking and approach that can take some time to fully grasp.

  • Not always the best solution: While currying and composition are powerful tools, they‘re not always the best solution to every problem. Some tasks are better suited to an imperative or object-oriented style, and trying to force them into a functional paradigm can lead to overcomplicated or hard-to-read code.

As with any programming technique, the key is to use currying and composition judiciously and in moderation, and to pick the right tool for the job based on the specific requirements and constraints of your project.


Currying and function composition are two pillars of functional programming that every JavaScript developer should have in their toolkit. By breaking down complex problems into small, reusable functions and combining them in flexible ways, we can create more modular, maintainable, and expressive code.

While there are some tradeoffs and limitations to be aware of, the benefits of currying and composition far outweigh the costs for most projects. By following best practices and using these techniques judiciously, you can significantly uplevel your JavaScript development skills.

To learn more about functional programming in JavaScript, I recommend the following resources:

  • "Professor Frisby‘s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming" by Brian Lonsdorf
  • "Functional-Light JavaScript" by Kyle Simpson
  • "Composing Software" by Eric Elliott
  • "Functional Programming in JavaScript" by Luis Atencio

I also encourage you to explore popular functional programming libraries like Ramda, lodash/fp, and Folktale, and to experiment with using currying and composition in your own projects.

Remember, mastering currying and composition is not about using them everywhere, but about understanding when and how to apply them effectively to solve real-world problems. With practice and experience, these techniques will become a natural part of your JavaScript development workflow.

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